Living Landscape - Zvýšení retence vody v krajině

Increasing Water Retention Capacity in the Landscape

Implementation of Computer-Generated Designs of Near-Natural Measures in the Process of the LIVING LANDSCAPE MODEL Planning and Implementation

Supported by Norway through the Norway Grants.

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About Us

We are a diverse team of experts from various institutions and organisations, all motivated by the same goal, which is to speed up the designing of near-natural measures in the landscape as part of our overall climate change adaptation efforts. Each team member brings their unique expertise and experience to the project. As the scope of our project is very broad, the team comprises experts in hydrology, landscape planning, and highly technically oriented university employees, whose endeavours are aimed at creating algorithms for automated landscaping designs, using machine learning.

Project Description

The main aim of the project was to utilise innovative solutions such as machine learning and automated software tools in order to speed up, improve, and increase the efficiency of the elaboration process of feasibility studies, surface runoff studies, and land use planning or regional planning studies that deal primarily with landscape adaptation to climate change. The studies included a model of the change in rainfall-runoff conditions, brought about through the implementation of landscaping measures in specific places.

Project Outputs

Elaboration of a Methodology and Feasibility Studies

Based on our previous experience, as well as knowledge acquired during this project, a methodology will be developed and three feasibility studies will be created, regarding water retention measures designed for implementation in the landscape, according to the Living Landscape Model, using innovative automated designing of landscaping measures.

The methodology can be downloaded here.

Feasibility Studies

The primary outputs of the project are represented by three innovatively drawn up studies addressing climate change adaptation:

1. The Kolín region (cadastral communities of Němčice, Radovesnice II, Polní Chrčice, Ohaře, and Dománovice);

2. Velvary

3. Hozelecký potok (catchment area, SK)

All of these localities are negatively influenced by intensive industrial agriculture and significant drainage. In sum, the area is about 46 km2.

Agricultural Drainage System Decommissioning

Furthermore, based on the conclusions from a previously published Living Landscape Model feasibility study that focused on the Broumov region, drainage systems on the area of approximately 6 hectares will be either physically removed/decommissioned, or start to be used for irrigation.

  • there will be three sites where different types of intervention will be applied (3×1 ha)

  • then there will be three reference sites

In these localities, monitoring of the effect of the interventions on groundwater levels, soil biodiversity, and other indicators of the quality of the soil and the surrounding ecosystems will be conducted.


Water Erosion

Here is a textbook illustration of soil erosion, caused by concentrated surface runoff from a damaged collector drainpipe, in a field with winter cereal; Zdoňov, spring 2023. We are curious to find out what kind

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Measuring Soil Moisture

April 2023As part of the Living Landscape project, we travelled to the Broumov region to perform some fieldwork. The aim was to localise and mark out underground drainpipes as a preparation for their later decommissioning,

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About the Project:

Official Project Title: Increasing water retention in the landscape – implementation of computer-generated design of nature-friendly measures in the process of planning and implementation of Living Landscape”

Programme: “Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Change”, funded by the Norway Grants, 2014-2021

Call: RAGO

Duration: 1 May 2022 – 30 April 2024

Total Project Costs/Covered by the Grant: 14 580 789.62Kč / 13 122 710.66 Kč

Grantee: Beleco, z.s.

Project Partners: Živá voda, z.s., University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Technical University in Prague, The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics at the Silesian University in Opava, Machaon International (SR).

Person Responsible for Communication: Jana Moravcová,, + 420 732 950 488

Beleco, z.s.
Na Zátorce 10
Praha 6
160 00